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The Buffs is one of many units within Historic Military Impressions (HMI), a non-profit educational organization that portrays multiple impressions and time periods.

If you're interested in learning more about The Buffs in North America or Europe, click this link to open an e-mail message in your default browser addressed to Cpt. Joshua Wingler.

Enlist in the British Army  

Ever felt the need to defend Canada from invading Yankees, or to participate in other Napoleonic era events? Do you have an interest in early North American history? Are you already a reenactor doing another time period and you'd like to add another impression?

Then step up to the recruiting tent and meet Cpt. Joshua Wingler. Send him an e-mail if you have questions or need more information, or click the link below to complete an application form on the HMI web site. Take the King's shilling!

Recruits wanted -- Apply Within